Don't let them..

Don't Let them shatter your dreams,
Make them plead and say please!

So what, they kicked you today,
All they have money and you don't, But its okay!!

Remember, they are not God, just rich,
Coz they are married with the bitch!

Bitch of insanity and falsehood,
that is why they are of no good!!

They might be able to hurt you now,
But one day they will come and bow!

Bow down for your sanity and truthfulness,
as trust me you are the God and no less!!

The god of happiness and prosperity,
one who loves human and charity!!

Even without having a penny in your pocket,
You wish to help the world with a docket!

The docket of your qualities,
which has ton of abilities!!

So fly high my friend,
They are just the dispirited,
who will find their way one day,
and come to your way...

Asking for help from you,
That day, I am sure you will still help them with a smile,
and they will learn a lesson for life!!


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