Caution for men: Do not think beyond....!!

Do not think beyond,
Do not go over the board!!

Is she says the first hi,
It doesn't mean she is the sly!

If she passes the smile,
She is just not dreaming about you all the while!!

If she asks for a lift,
She has not given you a HINT!!

If she goes for a coffee with you,
She might just wants to be friends with you!!

If she agrees for a date,
Do not dream of sharing bed with her soon or late!!

Dream of giving her respect,
Because she has never taken you as a conquest!!

Make her feel special,
Do not put unnecessary pressure!!

Tell her, if you like her,
Give time for the love to prosper!!

Do not jump over the board,
Because its life, not a chess board!!

Do not impress her for a day,
Win her heart and pray!!

Pray for her smile,
And wait for her to move that mile!

Moving that mile, she will come to you,
If ready she will accept your love and you!!

That day,

You can go beyond,
Beyond the limits and create the bond!!

The bond of love and happiness,
which will be pure and matchless!!!


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