All I need is a Teddy!

All I need is a teddy,
to stay by my side and become my bestie..

I might be a little old,
But i am not wishing for gold..

A teddy is all i want,
to make me feel young at heart!

I wish to have the innocence back,
with its smile i want to fill my crack!

Cracks of the pain i have,
Given by the friends i had!

No i am not sad,
But feeling a little mad!

Just want to have a teddy,
To hug it and feel more cozy!

Cozy at heart and calm by mind,
It would make me feel like a wind chime!

So free to fly and make noise,
Just laugh out loud with no other choice!

Laugh till the stomach aches,
That is the dream, i wish for solace!

Its been long, i embraced that smile,
Which comes from the heart and makes the face shine,
May be a teddy would bring that, at least for a while!


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