witch hunt in this age??

Yesterday I read this newspaper, over a recent witchhunt incident in jharkhand, india. where a tribal woman from jharkand was locked with the dead child in a dark and dingy room and ordered her to bring the baby back to life.

the report said that there has been steps taken against this cruel practise and rescuing and protecting the poor women who have been branded as witches.

I feel , that The reasons for branding poor women as witches are many, one may be inheritance of family property by any widow puts her life in danger. or it may be grief stricken mother who has lost her child can put the blame on any village female who unfortunately does not child of her own.

But the basic reasons are two, selfish motives and illiteracy. The first cannot be removed while the other can be eradicated.in the past news, the tribal belt of India, a spate of witch-hunts has created headlines. In villages around the region, women suspected of witchcraft are being hunted down and attacked. Some are forced to eat human excreta…others are beaten and stripped naked…many are brutally tortured and killed by enraged mobs.

witch hunting is a form of superstition,, although black magic hasbecome a matter of the past. still people stick their faith to it,...even in america, Voodoo is still practised,

some months ago there was a similar documentary on Discovery channel some time back and believe me-it was a shame to watch!
Illiteracy maybe a major cause but cannot be blamed alone.We have so many literate people who believe in all these superstitions.
It will take generations to eradicate these things.Its rooted deep into our culture.We can contribute our best by opposing and raising our voices whenever we see any such practice taking place.And by keeping our kids away from all these superstitions.

Is this the real India? .

Although there has been great technological development in India but only a small section of people has got its benefits. The vast majority of illiterate and poverty ridden people is still living in 15th century.
Has these people gone back to stone age? what is the govt doing? Legislation alone will not stop the practice. Change must come from within the community...

By Kanika Singh


  1. i strongly feel that atleast basic education must be provided to people, so that social evil like this can be eradicated from core..

  2. a mind boggling blog ...we really need to first start changing oursleves, within ur communities, then only we could teach others to eradicate this evil practise...!!

  3. i mus say ths topic u rased here is to be talkd abt ... and its gr8 of u to take on ths topic... gr8 goin..


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