I am......

I am cool but impatient...
I am ignorant but truthful,
I am dumb but intelligent,
I am silent but very talkative,
I am obnoxious but sensitive,
I am careless but caring,

I am grown up outside, but very small inside,
I am happy outside but feels incomplete inside.

I am learning new things day by day,
But somewhere leaving behind the memories of yesterday,

I want to grow with all,
With everyone around me happy n smiling, whether it’s big or small,

I don’t want to be the reason of your pain,
The one whom you remember, when you think about sadness, when you were in vain,

Though, I want to be with you, in your bad times,
And will always try to turn them into good times,
But, please forgive me, if I hurt you somewhere,
It has never been my objective dear

I will always try to be source of your smiles,
Will make you happy n walk with you for never ending miles,

Friendship is the best relation one shares in life,
The one in which I believe because of the most amazing friends,
Who supports me in laughter and grief,

I am really thankful to all my friends and relatives, who made my life worth living,
In spite of all the barriers in life, I m still moving and growing,
With each day making me more mature,
And teaching me the ways to heal and cure!!

By Gurleen Kaur


  1. very nice blog......wud a hav taken a full weekend effort to build it up......tatzz how u change ur borin weekends to interesting one's!!!

  2. well crafted.. i can relate to most of it... Keep up the good work..

  3. hi gurleen,,its nice n extremely beautiful as again i wud say dat some lines r so meaningful ....wel done soni....its such a nice one must say U R A star....tk cr sweets! :)

  4. grt work done...very well described...keep on d gud wrk..

  5. @ cyril ..ya ..its a very intersting job for weeknd!!

    @ abhi ..thnx a lot...!!

    @ parul...thanks ..but i dun i a m star ..yet ..but i will surely become one day...!!

    @ shitima ....thnk u dear..!!

  6. Good one,..Keep it up
    Thanks-Rajnish Kumar

  7. wah ji wah ... gurleen ji maar sutiya... main keha cha gaye ji tusi... par pehli waar kisi nu apni aine wadiya wadayayii karde hue wekhya hai ji... koi gal nhn lage raho...

  8. @ gaurav .karni paindi hai ..jad koi hor nahi karda ..hi hi hi ...!!

  9. chalo ji gr8 hai ji... good work... keep it up

  10. very good girl....total sentu mentu stuff

  11. @ pratik ..ha ha ha ..main bhi to senti hun !!

  12. @ nishi ....mujhe vuishwas tha ...u will nt 4gt me so easily ..so u understud me !!

  13. Given many narratives..like ur donning two roles at d same time to who u r outside-inside..then talking about love & giving but swiftly moving to 'frends & relatives' and then to 'barriers', being 'mature' & getting 'cured'..its seems many things r on ur mind...

  14. @ dipika ..hmmmm ....sumwhere ryt!!

  15. very gud one soni!!!
    u r truly a gifted writer,,

  16. i liked it very much....seriously very well written...i ll treasure all my beautiful moments
    wid u througout my life......
    thanxx 4 being my very gud friend!!!

  17. @ nancy ...i dun thnk ...sukhi will agree on we being just very gud frnds!!..hi hi hi!!

  18. hahaha....den wats ur views in regard 2 dat?????wat do u thnk abt our frnship???

  19. hi hi hi ...i dun want to say nythng here ....i m keepng mum!!

  20. Gurleen, I never expected these meaningful poems from such a young person and that too in Hindi. Too good! Keep it coming.


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