Its a woman's world!!!

The world begins with her,
And Kindness is embraced by her for a time which is forever!!

She is the one who brings us to this world,
Takes us forth and joins the chord!

The chords of happiness and sorrow,
The beginning of a meaningful tomorrow!!

Tomorrow which is waiting to be nurtured with her charming smile,
Taking off the hurdles to unburden tensions all the while!!

Known as the master of all trades,
She is the one who can easily identify all charades!!

You might be able to fool her for now,
But one day she will make you bow!!

Not only the perfectionist,
She is the God's beautiful artist,

The one who instills humanity,
And guides her children to follow the same till eternity!!

A daughter, a mother, a friend, a sister, a wife,
She is the most precious gift you are blessed with, in life!!

She is the woman,
Who is not just equal to, but the creator of Man!!


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