Is it Okay to abuse???

We have undoubtedly become highly modern! Everything we do, clothes we wear or whatever we eat, actually reflect our inner personality. These essentials act as the mirror for a stranger to peep into our inner selves. Unknowingly, we leave thousands of impressions on the person sitting next to us, in a restaurant, movie theater or in a college class. Their views or interpretations certainly do not affect us! Because its our life and they do not have the right to judge us, unless they are connected with us personally.

All these things and thinking are absolutely fine!! But, what i am worried about is the use of abusive language at public places. Though, this use is limited to a conversation between a very close group of friends, but still is it okay to publicly abuse each other or call your friends by abusive names. There might be a woman, a couple sitting or standing next to you, in a movie hall or in a garden, who can find it objectionable. Someone, who is not used to this environment or may be very new to your city, would definitely feel uncomfortable being surrounded by friendly abusive people.

For you, it might be just a way to address each other, but for others it is ill- mannerism, which it actually is! No doubt about it!!

At one point, we want our children to use ultra- refined and decent language and at the same time, we are using BC or MC in front of them at home. Especially, at home, within a family, elders use such kind of words to converse with each other and they expect their children to not copy the words which the children are hearing every now and then! What kind of outlook is this?? Who is at fault??

Don't you think that its high time, we need to choose our words before we speak? WE as the youth, we as the guide, we as the elders, to our upcoming generation, can't be gifting offensive language to them. Along with sending them to a reputed school, we should also concentrate on creating a cultured environment around us. An atmosphere, which speaks by itself the values of respecting our elders, being polite to people around and taking every difficulty as a challenge!! This ways we would be creating a humble world not only for our children but a world where even we are valued and honored by our children!!


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