Not too tough!

Life is simple,
But, what we all do is, grumble!

It is short and sweet,
But all we do is to weep!

It poses small challenges
and we worry for it, to the depth of river Ganges!

It tests us to make strong,
To empower human with the difference of right and wrong!

We leave the route, which is right,
And follow the wrong, which is short and bright!

The only motive of life, is to test and teach us,
So that we keep moving and accept the hiccups!

The lessons are tough to learn,
But, nothing is more important than to govern!

To govern ourselves to stay steady,
To not loose hope and become greedy!

Life is simple, yet complicated,
To reach the destination, the routes of which are assorted!

Life is God,
and the solution is to bond!

Bond with the Almighty,
To solve the queries and get a vision of clarity!

It is not the idol, we need to worship to,
but his belief in us, that we need to cater to!

Carve the Human in you,
To enjoy life and meet the New YOU!


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