What does the future hold for a woman?

We are apparently living in the most modern, cosmopolitan society of today. The country is growing, matching the global standards of the states across the globe. Men and women are said to be equally treated in this high, ultra- modern society. Women have matched the footsteps of men in many organisations or I should say they have actually overpowered them. In a country where our president is a woman, every day we get to hear or read minimum of 5 rape cases per city. Moreover, a new trend in the category has taken birth Gangrape!! Bloody shit!! What do these men think of themselves, they can surround a woman by being outnumbered and play outrageously with her modesty? This is simply ridiculous and at the same time hell of frightening. Today we girls can’t trust an autowala, or even a cab driver because we never know where will we end up rather than going to our said destinations.

Fears, disbelief, are breaking the relations we have in our life because as per the cases shown by the media we are not supposed to trust even the closest of our friends or for that matter, our family members. This is something really torturous and terrifying. With the number of such cases increasing in the society, should not we do something about it, are we going to take it as our destiny if by chance it comes to us or even any of our closed ones! These men can be the guy whom we are going to talk over the phone next time or the friend who has been with us for ages. What is the method of testing their character, their behaviour and for having the guarantee that the people in our circle or we meet in our day to day life will never do something like this.

We definitely need to do something, putting these people in jail is not the solution. They need to be chopped, their every single part, and that should be done in public so, that nobody dares to do this in future. Or may be doing something more gruesome! This thought, these people has to be thrown out of our society, otherwise women would get back to the burqua age and there would be no respect for women around.



  2. Rightly said, IT should be chopped!!!

  3. Very precisely explained, these are the same thoughts which come to every woman after reading such news. Woman need to be extra alert while traveling on roads. I prefer walking wrong sides while passing through lonely areas, so that i can keep an eye on the people who are coming down the lane. However, A/O my views, u cant trust any man, except your brother, father and husband!!! Mind it!

  4. Gangrapes are the worst kind of atrocity that can happen to a woman. And its happening in broad daylight, which is even more shocking. In the name of India Shining, where are we heading? I feel living in a world class city with glitzy malls, broad roads and English-speaking people does not make us modern. It is an urgent need to change the mindset of people.

  5. I dont think chopping is the solution. I somehow believe only in change in the mindset of the people can bring a change in the society. It is the responsibility of the parents, family and friends to imbibe respect for both the sexes in each other.

    I just believe that this situation can only be won by pure feelings, mindset and heart. Unfortunately, which only a few good men have!!!!

  6. @sukhi... ya thts y i mentioned in the end these toughts and these people have to be changed!!

  7. So very well said n written.. Society needs to take a stand not only against Rape but all sorts of sexual harassments/molesting/eve-teasing which prevails everywhere.. All these things should be considered as serious as rape and their punishment should also be as strict as possible.. And the justice should be done then n there..
    We all should come ahead and respond if we see something wrong happening with anyone, rather waiting for someone else to come ahead and help..


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