It is.. its not!!!

Its not ego,
Ego went I first cried for you!
Its not a betrayal,
I have forgotten its meaning in your love and caRe
Its not that I have changed,
Changed are the situations which resulted because of heart being pained!
Its not a test,
Tests have been failed by me instead of repeated attempts!
Its not about destiny,
Its about what the world around us wanted actually!
Its not about failure in love,
Love always take birth in its eternal form!
Its about right or wrong,
For which we have to be super strong!
Its about an unknown reason,
To know which I dont have the permission!
Its not about a broken heart,
Heart breaks can still be dealt with bt, not the ones which are burnt!
Its not about the tears,
Tears are smartly covered by brightened smile and cheers!
Its about the heart screams,
Which was neglected while being burnt alive!
Its about the numb hands,
Which sobbed the cramps of the throat glands!
Its about a story,
Which ended suddenly!


  1. Start writing a new story now! Remember, thats wat life is all about... New chapter and new story every day....

  2. Yes sukhi .. ready to welcome a new story!!

  3. A new day..a new hope...ur coming around!!!

  4. Be open to Love and be Loved!!!


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