Kindness- The unspoken love!!

The Sun shines, the birds fly,
Earth gives human the space to prosper and multiply!

Farmers work day and night to harvest,
That is how, we fulfill our hungers quest!

The trees make the air so pure,
That is how we pledge to live years and more!

A mother bears the pain beyond words to give birth to a child,
That is how, we get to believe, love is blind!

Kindness is the basis of Humanity,
Which cannot only be defined as charity!!

It is the love, we possess,
for everyone, we may or may not confess!!

It is the love that never fades,
Whether it is today or even after decades!!

It is the passion for happiness,
That fills everyone's life with blissfulness!

It is the lesson, we learn everyday,
BUT think to imply, some coming day...!!

So, today lets promise ourselves
To respect humanity and the word kindness!!

We shall not breathe to keep everyone happy and pleased,
But rather stay at peace and spread smiles indeed!


  1. This is the birth of a great poet who deserves the highest award on this earth..

    To spread the values of life and importance of real love in today's human mind that has been aimlessly wondering in illusions.


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