
Accidentally I look into the mirror,
That's when I see a bunch of grey hair!

I am turning old,
My mind told,
A thought, my heart dint want to hold!!

I am not turning old,
It's just that my looks are getting bold!!

I have the courage to show the grey hair,
Go anywhere with the specs I wear!!

I might be turning weak outside,
But I am getting stronger inside!!

The mother in me has taught me to forego,
Every day brings a lesson which is new!!

I am still a learner,
how can I be old?
I am still a gainer,
How can I ignore this gold??

My daughter teaches me to control my anger,
My son proves nights are shorter!!

My husband withstands with all I have,
Instills me with optimism to make me brave!!

I am still learning to hold my tears,
Which is surely going to take a lot more years!!

I am learning to prioritise,
To leave things behind and categorise!!

The world is talking at my back,
Scared enough to come and talk!!

How can I be old,
When there is so much to unfold!!

I might look shabby and not so appealing,
But I am a mother who is still in the making!!!!


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