To all the educated illiterates!!

A big THANK YOU to all the educated illiterates...

Your activity of burning money has resulted in dragging many new borns, pregnant women, heart and asthma patients to hospitals!! Thanks to your kindness of spoiling the hard earned money that these patients now have to go through the toughest times of their lives. Even, many are left unattended because of the increasing causalities and less no of attendants in the hospitals.. all because of your painless efforts, they are lying painfully on the corridors of the medical centres.

Your love does not end here... The poor animals, plants and birds, who cannot speak about their pain have also been harmed to bare the terrific pain of allergies.

Your small act of celebrating happiness- the accomplishment of getting married, the pride of delivering a baby boy or the success of buying a new house has landed thousands of houses and their families in trouble!!!

Wish you had thought once before burning the money,
Wish you had thought of donating happiness to some unpriveledged colony!!

Wish you did not burn the crackers,
Wish you did not become the reason of leaving countless families lifeless!!


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