Trust your doctor!!

Internet is an informational source, don't treat it as a solution to all your loose!!

Well, today I am going to pen down my thoughts on an issue, which has become a major concern in this internet oriented world! Whether it is a person with a stomach infection, ligament tear,  cardiovascular problem or a pregnant woman, we as patients have become very doubtful about handing over our problems to the respective doctors. Unquestionably, it is the present scenario of increasing fraud cases, that our mind has been pushed into such discussions but at the same time, if we don't trust our doctors then how will he be able to  produce the best of results.

Especially, in cases of pregnancy, I have seen a lot of women, questioning the medicines prescribed by their doctor. Again, it is okay to ask, but it becomes a  disrespectful gesture when doubted! Also, I have seen women who because of the unbearable pains of prescriptions, choose to better leave the course in between and scream about the inefficiency of the doctor and staff than to trust him and his experience. Obviously, if you have chosen a doctor, it is because of his expertise and name that he has earned with his hard work. Therefore, trusting your doctor is in a way, halfway accomplishing your road to recovery.

This I am saying, because I got to realise the power of trust on my doctor at the time of delivery of my second baby. My baby was posterior, therefore it was talking a lot of time to come out and the pains were terrible. Admist of all this, a time came, when my baby's heartbeat began to go low and his cord seemed to come out first, looking at which doctor asked for an immediate C - section. This sudden shift is ought to create a panic in any human, same happened with my doctor and other nurses. However, to my surprise, I remained calm and relaxed ( not forgetting the killer labour pains) and asked her to proceed as per her wisdom. This calmness came as a shock to me and I interrogated myself later, the answer to which made me realise how much I trusted my doctor.

If, I would not have remained at peace, I wouldn't have been able to have a normal delivery!! Yess, inspite of all the complications, we managed to deliver normal, all because of the trust my doctor  developed in me and the patience and intelligence she Incorporated during the delivery.

This has come as a lesson for me that worshipping doctors like God is madness but trusting their intellect is smartness!! We as laymen should better depend on our doctor's practise and learnings rather than the Google's search results and wikis... !!!

PS: A big thanks and warm hugs to my doctor Mrs. Vanie Thappar, Suman Hospital, Ludhiana, who taught me that every headache is not migrane and every change is not a problem!! Stay positive, Stay Happy!!!


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