Battling for peace!!!

There is a lot around,
Still there is something that hurts like a wound,

The silence that kills,
The love that fills,

I am the happiest person,
Still the saddest creation!

The heart is filled with thoughts,
Thoughts of the loneliness!

The love I have is unlimited,
Still my heart aches for something missing!

The pain I have is unsaid,
Which aches more when it's unleashed!

I think it is a void,
Which not only me but,all of us have sufficed to!

Inside our heart or the mind,
Which keeps yearning us for more and more kind!

The kindliness of the world,
And the attention of our beloved!

We crave for the pain,
The pain which paves us to gain,

Gain the sympathy of people around,
Who are there just for the time to surround!

It hurts us to know that we are being used,
But that is the new synonym of being abused!

It's a fashion, a trend,
Known to its affects, but still we are nowhere to bend!

And knowingly unknowingly we all are running behind one that one big thing,
Something that's unknown but truly missing,
Something that's peace and we have forgotten it kissing!

We no more possess the art of solace,
That's why we are a part of this race,
Where everyone is around,
Still our heart runs at a pace,
Which functions to win the gaze,
And impress the people of the world with amaze!

Wish this was not the case,
Wish we did never embrace,
This pain of worldliness and winning attitude
Wish we were pure and transparent like water,
And always filled with humbleness and gratitude!!


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