When you dream to fly....!!

When you dream to fly
The first step is to learn to cry!

Its not important, how far you go,
What matters is how you grow!

The growth as a person,
The aura of your emotions!

The atmosphere you create,
In the space you choose to inhale!

The smiles you bring,
When people there are afraid to swing!

When you dream to fly
The first step is to learn to cry!

The speed of the flight does not matter,
what matters is the batter!!

The batter you put in,
Towards the journey of a positive completion!

The efforts you make,
To let the ice break!

The ice of apprehensions.
The momentum of suspensions!

When you dream to fly
The first step is to learn to cry!

Cry to let the sadness go,
And welcome the beautiful tomorrow!

Because after every night, there is a bright day,
and and not every tear is meant to stay!!


  1. Amazing girl ..... Beautifully expressed .... I fully agree wid it... If we want to fly we must first learn to cry ... Failures are part of life but wat matters is get up Nd go .... Start afresh wid positivity ... So far in my life I have seen many ups Nd down, personally as well as professionally, but those taught me crucial lessons of life. Either I got something wat I wanted or I learned imp lessons of life. Positivity is d key.
    Superb Gurleen.... Wish u success dear ��

  2. Wonderful insights in the reading.
    Beautiful flare of words. Like your flash style.
    It’s invaluable👍

  3. Great article.. completely agree wid each n every word written...keep it goin dear..all d best👍

  4. Thank u so much girls! ur every wrd is a true inspiration to write better!

  5. Really it's true inspiration
    Well Done Gurleen Kaur
    You are the live inspiration for me, really!!


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