The Bleeding Heart- Rape annoyance!!!

My heart is bleeding grief and sorrow,
For the infants, girls and women who face evil eyes today and tomorrow!

It is not just today,
but a story of everyday!

The women are getting raped.
And the cases get taped!

Shown on TVs, written in newspapers,
the horrendous deeds are reported in Police headquarters!

Time passes..

The case goes,
..... Victim DIES
and the culprit FLIES!!

The story does not end here,
Because before the end of one, another appear!

The shame keeps rising,
the situation with each passing day is becoming alarming!

Children and women are sexually assaulted,
kept mum by being beaten and threatened!

Speaking brings a punishment for them,
because someone is always eyeing on them!

This someone could have been dealt easily,
if he was not family!!

The plague has eaten up our roots,
for which we need to shed our boots!!

Boots of shame and respect,
for those, who are pest!!

The only way is to hit them hard,
to cut the cause with a sword!!

We are obviously independent,
but sometimes, when alone, become a prey to the brunet!

The heart bleeds,
so women pleads!!

For the security of their children,
for stopping India to become barren!!

The country is loosing its sheen,
Because of these ghoulish means!!

Each step towards their end,
will give our life a new blend!

So, it is for you Modi ji!!

Modi ji ab jaag bhi jao,
Ache din ab le bhi aao!!

Bahut hua ye atya chaar,
Naari ka kuj to karo udhaar!!


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