A hand to console!

A real smile is what i await for,
A true friend is what i seek for...!

Far from the mysterious masks..
A friend who is away from all the mischevious tasks!

One who wishes good for me..
And accepts all the bad in me!

A mate who understand my moods..
and does not always expect me to be his sweetuuu!!

I crave for someone, with whom i can unburden my heart..
sit for hours on a roof top and still does not realise its chilling or steaming hot!

I wish him to be a friend, a partner in crime..
who knows the story of my broken heart and all my rhyme!!

I dont want him to be a lover..
Just a friend.. who is my cover!

A hand to hold...
A companion to scold..
An oldie to laugh with
and a confidant to hide in!

I wish to have a hand to console..
When m broken, tell me m not this.. but more!!

I want him to laugh at my mistakes..
To let my past go and together cut cakes!

I wish to travel a journey with him..
A journey, which never end.. because i want to spend my life with him..

I wish to have a friend for life..
Who is real, truthful and his friendship doesnot change with time!!


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