Don't Die!!

If death was the solution,
There would have been no problems,
A single tablet,
And you become a free spirit!
No tears,
No fears!
No crying,
Simple dying!

A no to life,
And death becomes your wife!
The infinite freedom,
From the relation's kingdom!

No one to ask did you eat,
Nor to force you to go to sleep!
Die the way you want,
And a forever bye to your aghast!

If death was the solution,
There would have been no emotion!
No cries for love,
No dreams to chase!
No affirmation,
No relation!

Life is not to die for the one you love,
Its to live for all those who LOVE YOU!!
Life is not to go and sleep in the death's lap,
Its to live in every odd and cut the crap!

Suicide is the synonym for cowards,

Because if death was the solution,
There wold have been no LIFE!!


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