The Holocaust!!

Today while surfing internet, i came across the videos of 1984 riots. A brutal truth which changed thousands of lives and burnt hundreds of families. An incident, which created hatred between the two most loving castes of India, a massacre, which created a wall between the Hindus and the Sikhs. I always wondered why there is such hatred between these two religions, why the Hindus and Sikh families are so against each other, why they don't allow inter- religion marriages, when the believes, the morals, values, are almost the same. We have always been taught God is one, then why this hypo critic behavior.

Today after watching the videos, i literally had goosebumbs, had tears and could not digest what all people went through. The death of Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards and the following orders by Rajiv Gandhi to kill all the Sikhs in country made the life of not only the Sikhs but Hindus also full of misery and Hell. Houses were butchered and men were burnt alive. The interviews of the widows who's husbands and sons were burnt alive in front of their eyes, were not less than a nightmare.

The most shocking thing, an incident which changed the lives of so many families across the country has no mention in the history. Obviously because this can be the reason for further tensions between people. But, today's generation is intelligent enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I am sure it would not KILL thousands of innocent lives just on the orders of a single person. We have enough brains to understand that this was all a political game, a game, a plan which actually divided two religions. DIVIDE AND RULE!! Ohh My God!! What a plan and that too executed so well and see we are still being ruled by the same family, THE GANDHI family!! I seriously have no interest in the politics and i have never taken care who becomes what, which party wins, but looking at the videos, their results, which are still being payed by so many families has hurt me deeply.


  1. indeed the 84 riots were a horror act by political party and what angers you more that the families of victims still await justice.

  2. The misery... the suffering... of innocent lives... has been going on... and will always go on! It is not a matter of Hindu, Sikh, Muslim or Christians... It is a matter of inhumanity, which is the only religion practised by a majority of politicians.


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