
Are you afraid to step out of your house!

You think a million times before sending your daughter out! The world today has become so unsafe for girls that a mother prays for baby boy, instead of the girl.....!
No one is safe, neither a seventy year old woman nor a 9 old month baby!

What the shit is going on .. what kind of a society are we living in, where there is no capital punishment for the monster who gives a life term trauma to the girl and he is set free to commit another such heinous act.

Where are we living- a society, where a father rapes his daughter .. the girl is even not safe in her house ??? Where are the values of Indian society? We claim to be the most cultured and religious people across the world?? where are those values and the sanctity of our thoughts ??? Is this the way the country is going to grow ??? GOSH!! this is ridiculous ...

there needs to be a strong punishment for this inhuman act!!.the not so strong tool of such basturds should be chopped off and let them free ... then they would realise .. wats the cost of raping the innocence of a life!

Here are few of the rape cases, which have runied the lives of many!

* Panchayat lets rapist walk free, minor victim dies- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/Panchayat-lets-rapist-walk-free-minor-victim-dies/articleshow/8032156.cms
* Man gets just 2 yrs for abusing daughter- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Man-gets-just-2-yrs-for-abusing-daughter/articleshow/7955373.cms
* 15-year-old girl raped in Mehrauli- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/15/year/old-girl-raped-in-Mehrauli/articleshow/7420817.cms

* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-01-21/india/28379772_1_crime-rate-mega-cities-highest-number
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-03-04/india/28658823_1_dalit-girl-youth-family-members
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-02-25/rajkot/28633638_1_man-rapes-complaint-casual-labourer
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-03-27/delhi/29194281_1_victim-lives-molestation-cases-class-i-student
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-03-22/bangalore/29174343_1_girl-rapes-umar
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-02-09/delhi/28541410_1_police-station-girl-victim-studies
* http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-02-01/gurgaon/28365376_1_victims-mother-rajesh-kumar-city-police

We definitely need the laws to be changed & new laws to be brought in action for the sick rapist..
We must raise our voice against this .. otherwise days are not far, where girls will again have to wear burqas or may be girls would also become an extinct species!!


  1. We definitely need the laws to be changed & new laws to be brought in action for these sick rapist.
    The rape offence itself is a life punishment for the girl-she has to live with the horror of it throughout her life; either have capital punishment for rapist or castrate him; So that he can never rape anyone again!

  2. "Horror is what a woman goes through, horror it should be for the beast for the rest of his life".....Amen

  3. Yes Gullu,...completly agree with u. Goverment should take some strict steps to stop all this and also need to make some tough laws for the unwanted elements of the society. People also change thier attitude and give respects to the girls

    Very well written keep it up.....

  4. As my friend said We definitely need the laws to be changed & new laws to be brought in action for these sick rapist is.. To Be Hang Till Death...

    I am always with you to raise my voice against this...

  5. yes its true, i agree with you, now this is the 21st century where laws need to be changed accordingly even capital punishment should be given in front of society like Iran, so that these rapist can understand what would be done with them, after doing this kind of act. they will start many time to do these activities

  6. I agree with almost all of the posts on this blog, I've seen people are talking talking about making a punishment more severe which is absolutely justified, but I feel if whatever punishment we've in our Legal System could be strictly implemented that'll will bring down these kind of unfortunate incidents. Making rules never serve any cause unless it's been ensured that people abide by them.

  7. absolutely true, this is one topic raised and buried time and again.. thode time ka shor and then its history... its high time a serene cruelly strict action should be taken so that it becomes a fear in peoples mind, like in gulf countries.

  8. Some very powerful questions posed and some very strong and true statements are asserted by you here...
    Rape is worst than a murder coz the victim is left to feel the agony for the entire life that too for no fault of hers.. In a country like India where Goddesses are worshiped, it is strange that Girls are held responsible for the mishappening like rape.. Time to truly PUNISH THE RAPISTS!!!!

  9. Thank You so much Guys for the support!. i really wish .. something strong happens against these criminals and every women should get her due respect!

  10. Its just not the horror but the pain of a lifetime that a woman goes through ... these monster shd just not be given a capital statement but the punishment should be so brutal that anyone else shd not even think of doing it... why should a girl suffer her entire life for something which is not her fault ..its the time we stand up for the justice ...n truly punish such beast..

  11. Limits crossed!




  12. is it gonna end ???

  13. Death penalty is not appreciated in India, as we all know! If they cannot give death statement to the rapists, they can do few things, chop their essentials (at least for them it is), pluck out their nails with watever, make them blind, and leave, jobless, on roads...then only others will learn lessons and will think ten times before committing such shameless crime..


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